Waste to Energy projects present a comprehensive long-term approach to municipal solid waste (MSW) management for Nigeria and West Africa. These waste to energy projects involve the construction of bio-methanisation/gasification waste treatment plants for processing and treating waste from local municipalities. The plants use biodegradable materials from the MSW to generate green electricity.
These projects present a major opportunity for renewable energy and waste management in Nigeria. The generation of green energy via the use of the proposed technology can help address the energy supply shortages in Nigeria, create jobs for the local population, promote development and enhance waste managements in the nation’s capital cities. Erratic and insufficient power supply is a critical impediment to Africa’s development.
The projects will also make sufficient profit to generate a significant return for our investors and to finance continued growth in environmental projects
Incineration Plants also provide an opportunity for Waste to Energy but typically tend to be more expensive.
Integrated Resources Ltd is an integrated energy company with a portfolio spanning oil, gas and power sector activities.
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