A Smart Energy Meter is an electronic device that records consumption of electric energy and communicates the information to the electricity supplier for monitoring and billing. Smart meters typically record energy hourly or more frequently, and report at least daily. Smart meters enable two-way communication between the meter and the central system. Such an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) it enables two-way communication between the meter and the supplier. Communications from the meter to the network may be wireless, cellular communications, or via fixed wired connections such as power line carrier (PLC).
Smart AMI is a system for collecting and managing power consumption data. It is an integrated platform for data collection, data monitoring, data analysis and management. Relying on the map, with the principle of “station-feeder-transformer-user”, complete the data collection for the power supply side, power distribution side and power use side of the plant station, public transformer, special transformer and low voltage users, etc to provide real-time data support for meter reading, load control, advance electricity purchase, and power off and on services. Based on this, it can carry out such comprehensive applications as power analysis, load analysis, power quality analysis, and line loss analysis.
Integrated Resources Limited Smart AMI system integrates the functions of MDMS and HES and can read and monitor data of different types and devices with different protocols. Also it provides a rich and standard data interface for the rest of the business systems (ERP, GIS, BI, Billing) to fulfill the needs of business expansion.
With the distributed deployment and the load balancing method, the SmartAMI system can greatly improve the data processing capability. In terms of security, services and data can be secured through a comprehensive range of hardware and network protection.
At the same time, Our Smart AMI also provides mobile on-site application, which can effectively improve the efficiency of on-site services, thereby improving user satisfaction.
Integrated Resources Ltd is an integrated energy company with a portfolio spanning oil, gas and power sector activities.
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